Volodymyr Zelensky, responding to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a peace summit in Switzerland, stated that Ukraine would engage in peace negotiations “tomorrow” if Russia withdraws completely from Ukrainian territory.

The two-day summit aimed at accelerating efforts to halt the war in Ukraine concluded on Sunday, June 16, with numerous countries reaffirming their commitment to Ukraine’s territorial integrity. However, Russian President Putin dismissed the summit as a diversionary tactic and criticized its outcomes.

Despite the participation of 90 countries, including presidents and prime ministers from key nations, the summit did not achieve Ukraine’s goal of garnering support from major non-aligned states. Key issues addressed included nuclear safety, food security, and prisoner exchanges.

President Zelensky emphasized Ukraine’s stance, stating, “We are responding to Russia’s full-scale invasion not only with a defense of human life but also with full-scale diplomacy.” He reiterated that negotiations could commence promptly if Russia complies with Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

The event featured global leaders and representatives, but notable absentees included China and major non-aligned states. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen underscored that the summit’s title, “Path to Peace,” reflected the ongoing need for multilateral efforts, given Putin’s insistence on terms she described as unacceptable and tantamount to capitulation.

In summary, while the summit highlighted international solidarity with Ukraine, significant diplomatic challenges remain in achieving a lasting peace.