Uduak Adams, a lawyer based in Lagos State, who found herself falsely accused of kidnapping while searching for accommodation. She faced a near-lethal mob attack, fueled by the support of the OPC, on Aborishade Street in Surulere.

During this horrifying ordeal, Uduak was subjected to brutal violence, enduring merciless floggings with a Hausa koboko, blows from planks, and a barrage of punches and kicks. Her accuser, who is now in custody, even called for her immediate execution. The severity of the situation is further highlighted by the extensive injuries Uduak sustained all over her body.

Fortunately, vindication came swiftly as the allegedly kidnapped boy was found, affirming Uduak’s innocence. However, the irreversible damage inflicted by this mob remains. It’s a chilling reminder of what could have happened if she had not survived.

Uduak is currently in dire need of collective support to secure justice. She continues to suffer excruciating pain from this barbaric incident that transpired last Thursday. #JusticeForUduak is a call for action in a civilized society where such acts of brutality are unacceptable.

Consider, for a moment, what could have transpired had she not survived that brutal assault. It could have been any one of us tomorrow. Let us unite to demand #JusticeForUduak.

Update: Recently, a family member of the suspect, employed at the hospital where Uduak sought an X-ray for her swollen head and damaged ears, tampered with the results, claiming they found no swelling. These X-rays were crucial in determining if she had suffered internal bleeding. The suspect’s family is persisting in their unjust efforts to silence the victim following this grave inhumanity. We must stand against it, for Uduak continues to endure severe pain.
